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For the past year, I have been in a creativity slump. Well, only a blogging slump really, all my creativity was sucked up and transferred into my lesson plans, classroom materials, and many projects that my master's program required. So when the end of the day came, I had no ambition in blogging. If I'm going, being honest my ambition to restart this blog is not 100% here still, but I've missed having a creative outlet for something other than just a school project.

With this relaunch to the blog, I changed a little bit about what I plan for content. I have decided this blog is going to be a lifestyle blog rather than a fashion blog. The reason for this change is because as I continue to the path of teaching, I'm learning fashion is taking a back burner and plan t's are slowly becoming my everyday style. But I also wanted a lifestyle blog because then I can be more real with those who are actually reading it. I want this to be a place where I spark an interest in someone out in the world like I try to do every day in my classroom! I recently started working on my educational philosophy and wrote almost an entire page about how students need motivation and support in finding their passions. So you know what I'm taking my own teaching philosophy and applying it to my life! I am finding my love again in something other than work!

I recently accepted a job in Warm Springs as a 3rd-5th-grade individual education teacher. I'm nervous and excited about this new adventure I am going to be starting come fall. Which this new addition to my busy life brings me to what I am hoping this blog will be about now! I'm hoping to have a blog post that relates to lessons, special education, classroom stuff, and of course, first-year teacher confessions. I will be posting about nutrition and wellness as well as financial freedom! I will be posting some recipes and status on my cooking/baking abilities. If you know me, you know that the kitchen is not a place I hang out unless someone was cooking for me and I'm just there to keep them company. I recently though have started to try to bake something and cook the occasional dinner, so I'm hoping that maybe this will become something I enjoy doing rather than hate and feel as though I'm just doing it, so I don't starve LOL! I also am hoping to have life updates anywhere from reality checks to what happening in my humble abode I call home. Who knows maybe I'll be the next Johanna Gains?

The last thing I want to say before I end this blog is...

THANK YOU! Some of you were around when I started this blog a few years back and have supported me through my break caused by this crazy thing we call life. SO I'm excited to be back and taking request on what you want to see!



Thank you Lindsy Cheney Photography for my graduation photos.

Thank you to my family and support system for the past crazy year between my Masters program, edTPA, and student teaching!

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